
The Best Way To Care For Your Leather Shoes

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Sed et purus nibh. Aenean id augue eu magna dapibus luctus sit amet et elit. Etiam sodales, lacus vitae pretium lobortis, lorem libero volutpat neque, et consectetur tortor dui a magna. Donec interdum nunc a tellus sollicitudin molestie. Mauris rutrum, turpis vitae eleifend varius, odio augue vehicula lacus, et convallis sem orci nec nunc. Integer iaculis mauris ut sapien scelerisque, a sodales eros pulvinar. Praesent a mi eros. Phasellus pretium id diam venenatis iaculis. Pellentesque ornare massa non fermentum venenatis. Donec sodales malesuada lorem, non maximus nisl faucibus aliquam.

One of the biggest mistakes men make is to neglect caring for their shoes after bringing them home. Of course, not all shoes are created equal. And this is why you can’t treat leather shoes the same way you would any other.

Leather shoes are very sensitive to water and chemicals, as they can be easily damaged. However, there are several ways to take care of your leather shoes without having to spend a fortune.

Top 5 Ways to Take Care of Your Leather Shoes

Below are 5 simple and efficient ways to take care of your leather shoes and keep them clean and nice on the long run.

  • Regular Cleaning

The first shoe care tip to take care of your shoe is to have it cleaned. This is done by using saddle soap or a smooth leather shoe cleaner to remove any dirt and dust. And let the shoes dry for a few minutes, then shine them with an old cotton T-shirt or a proper shoe-shine cloth.

  • Use Shoe Conditioners

This next tip for taking care of your leather shoe consists of using natural conditioner. Apply it often and generously, especially after cleaning shoes with soap, which will strip moisture from the leather. Good shoe conditioners absorb and moisturize, leaving shoes soft and supple. This will make the leather less prone to cracking and drying out.

  • Weatherproof

Another way to take care of your leather shoe is to weatherproof it. This is done by using protectant sprays that aren’t oil-based or rain/stain repellant to keep it weatherproof from sunlight or rain. This way, there will be a lower chance of leather discoloration.

  • Regular Polishing

This is a popularly recommended tip for taking care of your leather shoes. On a weekly basis, apply shoe polish on your leather shoes. Endeavor to choose a polish that matches your shoe especially wax-based polish, instead of a cream-based one. This will help to soften and protect your shoe.

  • Timely Repairs

Shoe repair is another way to take care of your leather shoes. If perhaps you notice something really wrong with your shoe (like part of the shoe is coming off), don’t wait before there is permanent damage to have it repaired. And this is done by finding a good cobbler to keep it in good shape and fit.


Taking care of your leather shoes is vital if you want to have them last longer. And with the shoe care tips discussed above, you are sure on your way to flaunting those leather shoes of yours without a worry.

Also, don’t forget to browse our collections of quality luxury designer leather shoes, perhaps you will find something new to add to your collections of leather shoes. When you do, feel free to order online and we will have it delivered to you anywhere in Nigeria.

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